What’s up in my life – Hanging in there

So many things are so different this year. And it’s been difficult to concentrate and use the creative side of my brain needed for writing. But I’m hanging in there. And taking comfort in my cats, my garden, and walks with my husband.

New stories are beginning to peek up in my brain at unexpected times. And my writing buddies and I are planning some accountability toward our writing starting next month. Crossing my fingers and laying down the framework to get going again.

Here is a photo of one of the gardens I can see from my desk window. It’s lovely this time of year. I hope you’re hanging in there, too.

What’s up in my life – Lots

I’m still recovering from JordanCon.  I met so many wonderful people – con-goers, authors, editors, artists, and it was such a memorable experience.  I’m already looking forward to going back next year!  I’ll have more posts to come soon, featuring the authors and editor I met.

Outside of that, I’ve been making lots of jewelry (and selling it on my etsy site TulipMagnolia.com), making last minute edits on one of my novels before handing it off to an editor (that will get a post of its own), working (because I have bills to pay), and hanging out with my partner and my cats (because I love them).


Hanging out with authors R.S. Beck and Paige L. Christie

What’s up in my life – Jewelry Making

IMG_20181001_200725361As I’ve mentioned, I have lots of creative pursuits, not just writing. So tonight for Art Night (yes, it’s a regular weekly thing around here), I made some jewelry.  What you see is a sample of what I’ll have for sale at a local art fair in November.

Three of the necklaces have sandalwood beads along with other semi-precious beads (such as lapis, Tibetan agate, garnets, carved stone), and the really colorful one has mostly semi-precious beads with a few wooden beads. I also made some matching bracelets, but since I haven’t finished the knots, I didn’t photograph them.

And, because the cats were hanging out with me, here’s a photo of two of them, too.FelixAndOscar

What’s up in my life – Sewing project

So…. like lots of creative people, I like making up more than just stories.  And one of the things I like to do is to sew.  A dear friend of mine asked me to make his son 2 shirts and a doublet for the Carolina Renaissance Festival, and I agreed.  I had his old shirt and doublet (which were now too small for him), his current measurements, and a wild guess of how much larger to make everything, since he’s a quickly growing teen.

First, I had to take the existing garments and make a pattern.  It’s really just eye-balling the shapes of the parts and then making it up as I go.

Oscar Kitty on the doublet

Oscar Kitty on the doublet

Then I cut out the fabric (pre-washed), and go through the puzzle of putting everything together.  The doublet has a lining, so it was a good brain-teaser; I hadn’t done that with a pre-made pattern in many, many years.

Tomorrow, I’ll keep the cats away while I sew on the buttons, then ship it off.