What’s up in my life – Lots

I’m still recovering from JordanCon.  I met so many wonderful people – con-goers, authors, editors, artists, and it was such a memorable experience.  I’m already looking forward to going back next year!  I’ll have more posts to come soon, featuring the authors and editor I met.

Outside of that, I’ve been making lots of jewelry (and selling it on my etsy site TulipMagnolia.com), making last minute edits on one of my novels before handing it off to an editor (that will get a post of its own), working (because I have bills to pay), and hanging out with my partner and my cats (because I love them).


Hanging out with authors R.S. Beck and Paige L. Christie

Authors I’ve Met – Paige L. Christie

Paige L. Christie writes the kind of books that I’d never read before:  “High Fantasy Meets High Noon” and “Feminist Western with Dragons” are the two phrases that describe her books best.  She has a distinctive style that I really enjoy. I’ve read the first two books in her Legends of Arnan series, Draigon Weather and Wing Wind, and I can’t wait for the third one to become available!

Paige L Christie and EMM

Paige L Christie and EMM

Authors I’ve Met – David B. Coe/D.B. Jackson

Author David B. CoeI’ve been following David B. Coe (aka D.B. Jackson) through a variety of cons in the last couple of years.  But Dragon Con 2018 is the first time I got my picture taken with him.  He’s written a wide variety of books, and I’ve read a few of them:  Spell Blind (The Case Files of Justis Fearsson Book 1), His Father’s Eyes (The Case Files of Justis Fearsson Book 2), and Tales of the Thieftaker (The Thieftaker Chronicles – as D.B. Jackson).  I’ve heard him read from his newest book, coming out October 2: Time’s Children (as D.B. Jackson), and I can’t wait for my pre-order to come in!

He’s a fabulous author and a really great guy, and if you like books that are engaging and intense, check them out!